
Should Singapore or any other countries use nuclear energy as a source of electricity? T2P3

After the Japanese tsunami and the Fukushima Nuclear accidents, many people are saying that nuclear energy are unsafe and that nuclear generators should be shut down. China has put several active nuclear projects on hold for review. Germany and other countries have simply cancelled their nuclear programmes.

I believe Singapore should not have nuclear power plants. Even though Mr Lee Hsien Loong referred to nuclear energy as an "important part of the solution to mankind's energy problems". Singaporeans will not be safe if we had nuclear reactors and they failed, as Singapore is such a small country. The radioactive material would spread throughout the whole island, endangering anyone in Singapore. People would argue that nuclear power will soon become a very important source of energy as oil prices start to rise. I believe that there are other alternatives to this, such as solar and wind energy. A few Singaporean entrepreneurs and scientists are also researching on generating energy using algae. There are many other forms of energy production methods we can choose from besides nuclear power.

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